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Thomas Grunbeck

Introducing a Fresh Approach for Advisors & Paraplanners to Collaborate

If you're someone who works with a paraplanner, you're probably well aware of the importance of holding meetings to discuss any changes or advanced plans made for your clients. However, have you ever considered if there's a more efficient way to work with a paraplanner without having to hold so many meetings?

The good news is that there is way to save you time. Instead of holding a meeting, the paraplanner can send you a video that explains any changes made to the financial plan. This can be especially useful if you find yourself too busy to schedule a meeting with the paraplanner before meeting with the client. You can watch the video whenever it's convenient for you and gain a thorough understanding of the changes the paraplanner has made. I have been using Loom video messaging very successfully to send one-way messages.

It's important, however, to note that this approach does have some downsides. For example, because you won't have the opportunity to ask questions or bounce ideas off the paraplanner in real-time, the process may be less collaborative than it would be during a meeting.

Another approach to consider is sending the paraplanner a video explaining why you made certain changes. This can help him or her learn from your thought process and ensure they make the same adjustments in the future.

While there are still situations where a live meeting is most appropriate, this is one option to consider that allows you to work with the paraplanner on your own schedule.

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